We didn’t see this one coming…
We’ve told you about Surrounded by Enemies: What if Kennedy Survived Dallas?, the alternate history book written by Movie Smackdown’s evil genius Bryce Zabel, edited by our own word wrangler Eric Estrin and full of great cover and interior art from our visually vibrant graphic designer Lynda Karr.
With a pedigree like that, well, let’s just say we’re proud of the work. Now the book has been nominated for the prestigious Sidewise Award for Alternate History. This is the award for people who dabble in designing worlds where events turn out differently than they have in our own. Past winners include the dean of alt.history Harry Turtledove (who actually wrote the Foreword to Surrounded), Philip Roth, and Michael Chabon. So the company we find ourselves in is pretty decent by anybody’s reckoning.
The award will be given out this August 14 as part of Loncon 3 in London, England, this year’s location for the annual World Science Fiction Convention, that annual sci-fi blowout that’s been going on since 1946 (though it was suspended briefly for World War II).
As you can see from the graphic, there are four nominees, two of whom have several previous nominations and a win between them. Tough crowd. Bryce’s book was the only one from last November’s crush of Kennedy-centered works to earn a nomination, following the 50th anniversary of the president’s assassination. (Political pundit Jeff Greenfield, whose earlier political alt.history Then Everything Changed was nominated a couple of years ago, was passed over this time for his generally well reviewed If Kennedy Lived.)
Surrounded by Enemies: What if Kennedy Survived Dallas? is available as a pretty spiffy (and very easy-to-read) trade paperback, an ebook, and an audiobook narrated by Edd Hall of Tonight Show fame.
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