The Devil Inside (2012) -vs- The Last Exorcism (2010)
Sweet, innocent-looking women shrieking the most foul profanities imaginable!
Limbs cracking and twisting in impossible ways!
Video cameras jiggling and swaying frantically!
Bodily fluids spewing willy-nilly!
Okay, so far, it sounds like a typical Charlie Sheen date, but throw “demonic possession†into the mix, and you have our latest Smackdown, a grueling battle of evil vs. evil between two shaky-cam mockumentary Exorcist ripoffs, the just-released The Devil Inside and 2010’s The Last Exorcism. […]
On Recharging
Fortunately, today was quite a bit warmer than the icy deluge that was Saturday night, and by warmer, I mean it was in the mid-30’s (F) with the sun out. It’s strange how fast one grows grateful for the slightest hint of sun when it’s been absent for any length of time. My Monday will be packed with screenings, receptions and post-events, but today (Sunday) evolved into an unexpected day to recharge my batteries. […]
The Artist is Already a Lock for the Academy Award
That’s right. Everyone in Hollywood already knows The Artist is going to win Best Picture. It has already won top honors at the awards ceremonies for the Golden Globes, Critics’ Choice and Producers Guild. Sure there […]
On Park City Under Siege
It’s cold. No, it’s VERY cold. The first couple of days were relatively mild, with some light snowfall and rain. That’s all changed very quickly. I left the condo at 9:20 a.m., caught the bus to Main Street, and spent the next 10-15 minutes walking uphill with the snow in my face. Let’s just say I picked a lousy day to wear my glasses. My coat hat and gloves were soaked when I sat down for the first screening of the day, which was… […]
Red Tails (2012) -vs- Men of Honor (2000)
A 1925 Army War College study concluded that “blacks are mentally inferior to the white man, by nature subservient… cowardly… and therefore unfit for combat.†The men on whose lives Red Tails and Men of Honor are based set out to disprove that, but they need a leader, someone like Cuba Gooding Jr., who if he wants to, can gleefully shout, “Show me the equality,†and get people to take notice. Damned if Cuba doesn’t take the assignment to make those old, white, Army and Navy dudes look like racist fools! […]
On Jumping In
I am pleased to report that, despite spending more than 48 hours in an environment dominated by snow, I have not yet fallen victim to that horrible beast known to Californians as “the wipeout.” Sadly, not all members of my party have known my success in matters such as these, but I, above all else, count myself truly fortunate. […]
Joyful Noise (2012) -vs- Sister Act 2: Back in the Habit (1993)
As the Blues Brothers once learned, the Lord works in mysterious ways. But who would have thought that those mysterious ways involved sassy, singing ladies of a Southern black choir? Probably Jake, actually. He had some foresight. In today’s Smack, we hear the two veteran voices of Queen Latifah and Whoopi Goldberg, along with their choirs, going toe to toe… or rather, chord to chord. We have the new, gospel musical, Joyful Noise, taking on everyone’s favorite singing nun (suck it, Sound of Music!) in Sister Act 2: Back in the Habit. […]
Haywire (2011) -vs- Salt (2010)
“All you need for a film is a girl and a gun.”
– Jean-Luc Godard
Well, and film, I reckon, but Jean-Luc’s point is well taken, and this Smackdown brings us two movies that attempt to put it to the test.
In this corner, a comely mixed martial arts champion making her screen acting debut.
And in this corner…Screw it, you know her already.
Ding! […]
Memo to Mark Wahlberg: You Only Play an Action Hero
This is the kind of thing that causes a lot of Americans to see Hollywood as out-of-touch with American values. Mark Wahlberg told Men’s Journal that he would have battled the 9/11 hijackers and rescued […]