Here at Movie Smackdown! we know how much people like to talk about films. When you walk out of a theater, the chances are you’re comparing notes with your friends about what you saw. And, quite often, you’re comparing the evening’s film with another that it reminds you of in some way.
So, after you’ve read what our SmackRefs have to say here, let loose with your own thoughts.
The first thing that means is vote in one of our PollDaddy sponsored polls. They’re in each of our Smackdowns. We know that you expect our SmackRefs to tell you what they think, but we also know that you may have your own opinon. So do vote.
Also, consider our WordPress Comments section as the place you go to post your own reviews. Or disagree with our SmackRefs and they will respond to your comments for some back-and-forth.
Speaking on behalf of the vast global resources behind Movie Smackdown!, we want you to know how much we look forward to sharing a little film-on-film combat together.