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Hellboy II (2008) -vs- Hancock (2008)

July 11, 2008 Mark Sanchez 0

It really is the height of narcissism. Give a guy powers and abilities beyond those of mortal men and he can still manage to cop a bad attitude. And while neither Hulk nor Iron Man can really be accused of harboring sunny dispositions, the leading men of ‘tude in the summer of 2008 were a couple of anti-heroes on the extreme grouchy side: Hellboy and Hancock.

Which one of these charm school drop-outs made bad look good? That’s the Smack and, believe me, this battle is not for the thin-skinned. […]

Hulk Smash Hulk

June 22, 2008 Beau DeMayo 19

The Smackdown Back in 2008, the jade giant known as the Incredible Hulk wreaked havoc in the Movie Smackdown arena in a battle that pitted that year’s The Incredible Hulk, featuring Edward Norton, against 2003’s […]

Iron Man (2008) -vs- Batman Begins (2005)

June 17, 2008 Beau DeMayo 6

The Smackdown It’s been a dark time for comic book movies since Christopher Nolan’s “Batman Begins” and Bryan Singer’s “Superman Returns.”  Over the past two years, “Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer,” “X-Men: The […]

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